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The gospel passage this Sunday is dense and complicated. But pull it a part and it is, actually, quite simple, and consistent with pretty much everything else that Jesus teaches: it is less about me and more about us.  

This Sunday our preacher is the Reverend Alan Hall, who is part of the Met community and serves the United Church of Canada as Executive Officer for General Council Shared Services.

  • Prelude: Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr (All Glory be to God on High), BWV 662, 664 (J.S. Bach)
  • Readings: Psalm 19, Mark 8:27-38
  • Sermon: "Such A Way" (The Reverend Alan Hall)
  • Anthems: Christ, Whose Glory Fills the Skies (Keith Bissell), The Heavens Are Telling (from The Creation) (Haydn)
  • Offertory Solo: Mein gläubiges Herze, from Cantata 68 (J.S. Bach)
  • PostludeFiat lux (Théodore Dubois)