Metropolitan United Church (Met), in downtown Toronto, reaches people all across Canada, who are finding and making a spiritual home with us through livestream and other virtual connections. What began as a byproduct of the pandemic, we are now making intentional — we are extending an invitation, across Toronto, across Canada, saying:

  • If you are seeking profound sacred music, you are welcome here.

  • If you want to be challenged and inspired by preaching, you are welcome here.

  • If you are seeking the beauty and mystery of liturgy, you are welcome here.

  • If you want to be part of a supportive, inclusive and justice-seeking Christian community, you are welcome here.

Online and in-person, we love being the church together, and we would love it if you would consider joining us as a “Friend of Met.”

Sign up to become a Friend of Met

  • Receive a weekly email connecting to the life of the community
  • Get access to high-quality livestreams of worship services & concerts
  • Receive opportunities to learn & grow in faith   
  • Build community with others who love church
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Met Firsts and Facts
  • Tracing our heritage to 1818, Met was envisioned to be "Canada's Cathedral of Methodism"
  • After church union in 1925, Met was chosen as the site of the first General Council of the United Church of Canada.
  • With 8,300 pipes, Met has the largest pipe organ in Canada.
  • Installed in 1922, Met has North America’s oldest tuned carillon.
  • Since 2008, Met’s Community Meal Program has served over 75,000 meals.
  • Met hosted the first Alcoholics Anonymous meeting in Canada on Jan 28, 1943.
  • The only brass band in the United Church of Canada, the 25-member Metropolitan Silver Band takes part in worship services 6 times per year.
  • Met became an Affirming Ministry on May 16, 1999, making the congregation early leaders on LGBTQ issues.
  • Met has a world-class, 8 camera livestream system, including the "eye of God" camera suspended in the ceiling to give 360 degree views of the sanctuary.

Nourishing and thoughtful sermons

For decades, Met has been a place of preaching excellence.

A spiritual oasis for sacred music

Praise My Soul, The God of Heaven: The Metropolitan Choir, Organ and Congregation

A supportive and inclusive Christian community

Met became an affirming church in 1999, the third church in the country to do so.

We love being church together... even on Zoom

The changing nature of church means that we don't all have to be in the same place to build spiritual community. Metropolitan offers a wide variety of programs on Zoom for people across the country to participate in.

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Become a Friend of Met
Online and in-person, let's be the church together
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