"The desire to reach for the stars is ambitious. 
The desire to reach hearts is wise." 

Maya Angelou

In a sermon titled "Thick with Spirit," a story of spontaneous baptism, and an apt description of community, we will seek wisdom on Sunday.

  • Carillon: Final Flourish from Belmont Suite (Knox)    
  • Prelude: Various (Willan; Locklair)
  • Readings: John 15:1-8; I John 4:7-21; Acts 8: 26-40
  • Sermon: "Thick with Spirit" (The Rev. Karen Bowles)
  • Anthem: Rise Up, My Love (Willan)
  • Solo: Sing Ye a Joyful Song (Dvořák)
  • Postlude: Prelude on ‘O Filii et Filiae’ (Willan)

Photo: Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch, Herbert Boeckl, 1894-1966