“Deep Spirituality, Daring Justice, and Bold Discipleship" - the new Call of the United Church of Canada. How does it apply here at Met? To you? Do our volunteerism opportunities open up new avenues for your bold discipleship? 

Come to coffee hour after service and find out about the vast number of in person and online volunteering opportunities here at Met! (Zoom link below for those joining online).
  • Prelude: Various (Mendelssohn; France; Owolabi)
  • Readings: Acts 2:42-47; 1 Peter 2:19-25; John 10:1-10
  • Anthem: 
    •  My Shepherd Will Supply My Need (Thomson)
    • Worthy To Be Praised (arr. Smith)
  • Sermon:  “Post-Easter: What Now? - Part 2” (Jim Harbell)
  • Offertory: Domine adjutor meus, from Psalm XIX (Saint-Saëns)
  • Postlude: Allegro assai vivace, from Sonata I, op. 65, No. 1 (Mendelssohn)